Over the course of this next year (Aug 2012 to Aug 2013) I will be blogging about my time as a PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer in Tucson, AZ. I am volunteering with the intention of finding a deeper understanding of God's love as it is presented in different settings around the world. Thus far, that hope is coming to fruition.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

the first time at church

Today was my first worship experience. Not ever, mind you, but my first in Belfast. The minister at Woodvale Methodist, Margaret, gave me a lift to the service this morning where I was introduced to the congregation. I was greeted with a very warm welcome by all and am truly looking forward to serving God alongside and learning from my new congregation.

Later this evening we had a joint communion service with the Shankill Methodist Church. Their pastor is Charlie, who will be ordained next summer, so Margaret helps them out with various services. I was asked to read from Philippians 4 during the service and was honoured to do so. And in the way the Spirit so often seems work, verses 8 and 9 were exactly what the type of reminder I needed to hear as I begin my volunteer year. "Finally, brothers and sisters, what is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." How wonderful it is to know that the God who goes before gives us great peace and that, though it may be incredibly difficult, He will comfort us with that peace when that which we go out to do, what is true, what is noble, what is right and admirable, is nerve-wracking and difficult.

After the reading, Charlie gave an incredible message. He spoke about something I know many people cringe at doing - passing the peace of Christ during worship.

"Who knows where those hands have been?"

"Do I really have to get up for this?"

"For Pete's sake, this wooden bench just finally got warm!"

I love that Charlie gave a message on the passing of the peace. I'd never thought of giving a message about a part of the church service. But more importantly, Charlie had great insights as to why the passing of the peace is important for a church to do. It is the recognition that God and his comforting nature go alongside us always, even if we cannot understand that unimaginable presence of that peace. The passing of the peace also serves as reassurance that we walk together and God's peace binds us. I certainly felt that reassurance as the peace of Christ wrapped me in it's arms, the arms of many strangers who welcomed me into their church and made me feel right at home. While I know this year will be trying, I am now encouraged in the thought that God's peace goes with me through the love and support of both the congregations in Wyoming and my new congregation in Belfast. And a big Amen for that!

1 comment:

  1. My women's bible study is studying the 4:8 Principle. Great scripture for us all, Karl! God bless you and keep you and Kendra!
